How to Make Your Goals a Reality
What do you want your 2012 to look like? Maybe the better question is: How much control do you believe you have in what happens in this day, this week, or this New Year? Here’s another good one: What is your self-talk saying to you right now about which or how many, if any, new levels of achievement you will reach this year?
Self-talk is the equivalent of setting and then controlling your life according to your internal GPS. GPS is nothing more than navigation, guidance, and control. Navigation tracks your current location (knowing where you are); guidance uses the navigational data in plotting your targets (knowing where you’re going); and, control is your command center (your brain), which accepts the navigational data and target information to create and effect change. Incidentally, GPS doesn’t care if you’ve traveled a road before or if you were successful or not; it simply lets you know where you are now and how to get where you want to go next.
Self-talk is the key to everything we do, how we do it, when, where and why. Self-talk determines what we accomplish. Self-talk controls the direction you move in all areas of your life. Self-talk is what propels you to new heights, or stops you from reaching just a little bit further than you did last year. And, unless you’re aware of it, self-talk is usually stealthy. In less time than it takes to read this sentence, your self-talk can shut down the exciting (and sometimes urgent) messages of direction from deep down in your soul.
How we live our lives – everything from improving our health to making money or from trying new hobbies to dealing with spouses – is guided, influenced and/or directed by self-talk. Even as you are reading this right now, your self-talk is evaluating what you are reading and making judgments. Maybe you are telling yourself that somehow you’re different, that other people have all the luck, or that you’ve really tried “__” (insert your special demon, i.e., losing weight, making more money, etc.) but it just didn’t work for you in the past. That is a self-talk statement that is not true; but, unfortunately, it has become your truth because you have repeatedly told yourself so. Listen carefully: we move toward what we are saying to ourselves. Our internal GPS determines where we are, where we need (or want) to go, and how we can get there from here. We all talk to ourselves all the time. We are always telling ourselves what we can do and what we cannot do: right or wrong, good or bad. And, that’s a gift!
I could go on for pages and pages talking with you and explaining how your self-talk is the key to self improvement and it’s your gift to accomplishing whatever you desire in 2012. But, I’ve got a better idea. In my first book, Power to Change, starting on page 41, I explain in detail how to master your self-talk – that you are, in fact, already a master of your self-talk. Read this free download section on how to manage your most powerful tool in accomplishing your 2012 objectives.
You move toward whatever you are saying to yourself, so why not chose to step it up and achieve some awesome outcomes? I promise you: nothing is too big, too good, or too far away for you. Everything is within your reach. You are your self-talk and you own the tools to create some amazing results in your life.