How about you? Are you accountable for your choices? Or are you making excuses? Are you spending more energy on looking for the reasons why you’re not accountable than you are on getting things done?
It’s easy to blame somebody else. But here’s what I want you to say to yourself, “I am right where I want to be right now.”
Say it right now, right where you’re sitting. No matter what the situation is, you can say, “Hey, I choose to be this way. I’m getting exactly the results that match my Action Map.”
That’s all well and good, if you’re getting the results you want. But what if you’re not? What if you say, “But this is not what I want”?
You may not like where you are. But you choose to be where you are. And that’s the best news yet! Because, if you had the power to get yourself here, you have the power to get yourself out. You can go wherever your Action Maps can take you.
You always a choice. You have the absolute power of choice. And along with that power comes accountability.