After you’ve taken the time to find your purpose, you’re going to be excited. Remember, this is one of the things that you feel most passionate about in life! How could you not be excited?
Your Visionn
After you’ve taken the time to find your purpose, you’re going to be excited. Remember, this is one of the things that you feel most passionate about in life! How could you not be excited?
So how is that purpose going to play out in your life? What’s your life going to look like, 5, 10 or 20 years from now? Where will your purpose take you? What is your perfect picture of your future?
For instance, my purpose is to help people grow and realize their talents. How do I expect to accomplish that? What is my vision of how that plays out?
My vision and my company’s vision is to raise the self-esteem of the human race.
It’s a big vision, I’ll admit. But like they say, the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. When I tell people my vision, they often say, “Wow. How can you raise the self-esteem of the human race?” And I say, “One person at a time.” Sometimes it’s ten. Sometimes it’s a thousand. Sometimes it’s by people reading this book. Sometimes it’s by people listening to my CD’s. But I’m constantly working to raise the self-esteem of the human race. It’s my life-long vision.
Your vision is your opportunity to fulfill your purpose. It moves you toward the future perfect picture of how you want to be seen when everything is functioning at the best possible scenario.
Once you’ve identified your purpose, think about how you’re going to fulfill it.
Suppose your father was an immigrant who worked in the States, but was handicapped because he never learned how to read English. Now, you feel passionately about teaching people how to read. You feel a special connection to adults who, like your father, are a little uncomfortable and embarrassed about not being able to read. You’d like to reassure them and help empower them to change their lives. That’s your vision.
Maybe you’re an attorney who feels passionate about the justice system. You believe strongly that it plays a vital role in society and you want to do everything in your power to make sure it is held to the highest standards. Your vision is to work to achieve fair verdicts and make sure the system works.
No matter what your career, you might find that your true purpose in life is to give your children the love and opportunities you never had as a child. You have a vision of a warm, loving family that extends through the generations and makes a valuable contribution to the world by its very existence. Creating more good people is what you feel passionate about. And your vision is to invest your heart and soul in achieving that with the people you love.
When you have a vision, it gives your life a kind of purpose and meaning that drives you forward. It gets you out of bed in the morning. Sometimes I’m so excited about the opportunities for fulfilling my vision that I can’t wait to get going every day. Without a vision, you can’t generate the same energy for life.
There is literally no limit to what your purpose and vision might be. Take a moment now and being to think about some of the things that are most important to you. Remember, you don’t have to come up with the final answer in one sitting. Let your mind mull it over. Keep it on the back burner for awhile. Sleep on it. Let your intuition be your guide. Once you come up with it, you won’t have any doubt. Nothing else will excite your interest in the same way.
How big is your vision?
Learn how to achieve your vision withn Jim Jackson’s inspirational BREATHE workshopsn